Saturday 2 July 2011

Abba's decree- "Tov"

I want to thank everybody who gave me feedback on my last posting. I am grateful for all of you who encouraged me the way you did. When you take the first step in something new it is always quite frightening as we all know:-) I thank God for surrounding me with people who care and who see beauty in me even when I don't deserve it.

I wrote a few more "poems", I thought I'll stick to the riming because anything else seems way to adventurous for me at the moment, but who knows perhaps Abba will want to develop this in me if it brings Him pleasure. If you read other postings of mine on this blog you already know that my greatest passion is writing. I remember one day at work they gave us a group building exercise with a number of questions. We had to keep changing the partner and answer any question they asked us from the list in order to get to know each other better. I'll never forget the raised eyebrows when one after another they asked me "So, if you could build a house on a desert island what would it be made of?" "Books, " would come my reply, "loads of books. Shelter and entertainment into one." As long as I have books and something to scribble on I'm happy. I see myself growing in this, so I'll assume this is God's gift for me. I'll share with you what I write, and if sometimes it won't make sense, or it won't be that good, give me grace. I'm growing in this... Anyway, enough rambling.

Today, I'll post a poem called "Tov- Good and Beautiful". Tov, is a Hebrew word and it means good as far as I know. But I welcome further opinions because Hebrew is not a language I speak though it is the most beautiful language I've heard. I will dedicate this poem to three very special friends of mine: Simona, Lisa and Hanna. Girls, I know we talk a lot about what it means to be beautiful, who is and who is not (I shall not go any further.LOL), but as far as I am concern you three are beautiful on the inside and out and I pray Abba will help you see that everyday, in spite of all life might throw at you. I love you so much, and I am so grateful you are in my life. Here's you poem, girls. xxx

Tov- Good and Beautiful

"God looked at everything He had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31

When Abba made me, He said "Tov"
And "Tov" I'm meant to be
He looked at me in all His glory
Then smiled so lovingly...
Goodness and Beauty He then named me
That was Abba's decree!

So you can try to crush me here
And shatter all my dreams
The more you're kicking I'll stay stronger
Won't let you get to me.
And when you tempt me,
I'll remember that smile so lovingly...
And in my ears will ring stronger again
Abba's decree- "Tov!"

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