Tuesday 5 July 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

"This Book (The Bible) is not just a theory or a religion, it's about me. It is my story. Written by people who believed with the same desperate faith that beckons me to believe today. I never want to change or believe anything else, no matter how much hate or pain would come my way. Because if I change then my story would change also and this Book would become a fairytale...Those who wrote the book that I follow, died believing in the peace that would change the world, without seeing the world changed. But thousands of years later the peace that they talked about, changed my world and now it is up to me to take my Rabbi's teaching further and allow His peace to change at least another man's world." Bat Melech

She is so right! Once again today, I realised that I get so easily distracted. This world manages to convince me so easily that it is so terribly difficult and I need a break. Sadly I had to admit to myself today that it is easier to look at the Bible and say it is David's or Moses's story than to say it is mine and assume the responsibility of the next chapter...

When you're about to fall

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

They're calling me again, dear Abba
I hear again their call
There's part of me who wants to answer
And part who wants You more...

I try to make myself remember
The price I had to pay.
Last time they called to me so sweetly
And I did not obey.

But I'm still standing here, Abba
I'm flirting with the thought
And last time's pain and consequences
I seem to have forgot.

So hear Your daughter's prayer, dear Abba
And You be strong in me
I don't want to end up back there...
She's not who I'm meant to be.

I'm owner of my own decisions

You wanted it that way
But I don't own the future,
Or the price I'll have to pay.

Help me choose wisely, Abba
And once again ignore.
No matter what they tell me.
Help me reject their call.

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