Thursday, 6 May 2010

Taking the first step

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" Psalm 19:14

I am Emanuela, a traveler through God's Garden. I am writing my thoughts and my journey for over 7 years now and I think it's the best thing I ever decided to do. I call my notebooks road signs because I can look back on them and take notice of my journey and my human experience which is an absolute gift from God.

To avoid any type of confusion, I'll clarify "Whom" I refer to when I talk about God. I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel. I believe in Yeshua Ha'Mashiah (Jesus The Messiah), my Saviour and I believe in the Holy Spirit.

I truly believe I am on this planet for a reason and a purpose. I am here, limited by this body and this mind to get to know an Unlimited Everlasting God, and being given free will to hopefully end up still choosing Him.

Why have I decided to write my thoughts and experiences, in a language which is not my own? Because, somewhere out there at some point, someone will read this and God willing I will bring some beauty and encouragement to their life. Words have power and can keep you going when everything in you wishes to give up.

So, thank you for joining me in my journey and be blessed.



  1. Love the colors. Love the style. Love the subject. - OK, so pink it's not my color but i really like your first post and I am really happy you decided to blog! Can't wait to know you beyond what I think I know about my sis. Blessings xoxxoxoxoxox

  2. Thanks, Chris. I doubt there are things you don't know about me. And thanks for encouraging me to write this. Perhaps it was due to the length of my comments on your blog:-)
