Saturday, 9 July 2011

Be careful when you're judging...

"Don't judge others, or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you." Matthew 7:1-2

Lately I am thinking a lot about judgement- God's judgement, others judging me, me judging others...What is a judgement?

"An opinion formed by judging something, the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions, the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event..."All these are definitions I found, but there's more to it. Those who believe Jesus's death was for their sake and accept His sacrifice, receive grace= something they do not diserve. But as I've come to learn, it is precisely the recepients of this grace who turn out to be often amongst the most "ungracious".

Deliorious have a song called "Find me in the river" and the lyrics go something like this: "We've longed to see the roses/But never felt the thorns/And bought our pretty crowns/But never paid the price" We did not pay the price for the mercy we've been shown, but still somehow we seem to think we are entitled to put prices on everyone else's mistakes.

I heard so often how we should not tolerate sin and I agree, we shouldn't. But sin is an act, and quite often we fail to see that it doesn't wear the face of the person we're judging.

There is only one person I can judge in this world and that is myself. Paul said "But if we judged ourselves in the right way, God would not judge us. But when the Lord judges us, he disciplines us so that we will not be destroyed along with the world. " (1 Corinthians 11:31-32)
By judging myself, I don't understand putting myself down or showing false modesty. I uderstand forming an opinion about myself by judging the way I think, act and speak. I uderstand analysing my ways and acknowledging when I'm in the wrong. I uderstand making decisions about my life and correcting what needs to be corrected. Why? So that I do not put Abba in a situation where He has to take action Himself.

This morning I found out something else about judgement. I learnt that it is personal. It is between me and my God. He is my Judge. Yes, I know about all the examples when the church came together and judged someone and has taken action against that person. But I see that as the final step, one that they would have to take if I would repeatedly refuse to judge myself and do something about it. As far as I am concerned, that is the only instance when someone, church included, has the right to issue judgements against an individual. In rest it is between the individual and God. One clear example is the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11)

Did the woman sin? Yes. She did what was against the Law of God. And men decided to judge her accordingly. When they brought her to Jesus though, He made them all see how it feels when you're on the other side, waiting for your verdict "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
Then the most beautiful scene takes place "Those who heard Jesus began to leave one by one, first the older men and then the others. Jesus was left there alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus raised up again and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one judged you guilty? "She answered, "No one, sir." Then Jesus said, "I also don't judge you guilty. You may go now, but don't sin anymore."

I once read "What matters is what God says about you after everyone else has stopped talking." Judgement and forgiveness in the Kingdom of God is something personal- between me and my God. He chooses whether He judges of forgives because He is the only one who has the authority to do so. That woman was dragged before all the people on that day and she knew she was to be judged and killed. But her judgement turned out to be something else- "Jesus was left there alone with the woman" and He decided He won't judge but give another chance.

So next time you are tempted to judge at least give that person the chance to be alone with their God, because you don't know whether God will agree with you or not. Judging yourself is wisdom. Judging others is pride because you are basically telling God you are absolutely positive you are strong enough never to end up in that place, and the truth is neither one of us is that strong...

A few weeks ago I was joyfully singing whilst cleaning "He's got my whole heart in His hands, He's got my whole heart in His hand..." And then I stopped because I uderstood, I do not have the right to judge anybody until I "hold their whole heart in my hands." God is the only one who is Big enough and Wise enough to hold one's whole heart in His hands. And you never know what He sees. Perhaps the heart you are so busy issuing judgements against, insteead of judging He will decide to kiss...

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